lundi 29 novembre 2021

Project M movest writeup: Terra Brandford

Final Fantasy VI is, according to me, the best thing to come out of the series. It is a game with an epic storyline, where almost every character could arguably be seen as the main character. I am partial to Locke, but this Terra writeup was a request by Atma, who has put some of his own ideas in there. Again, this is no confirmation that this character would ever be included in Remix, but there is clearly a lot of love for this game, and this character.

I immediately thought that the sword ought to be on her person, but mostly used to channel magic as opposed to fighting with it. This is why I made very minimal use of it. I wanted to focus on her magic and what she could do with it differently from other characters like Zelda or Palutena. She is definitely a glass canon, but her magic is nothing to scoff at. 

I hope you enjoy this take on the character as a Smash contender.

ATB gauge: 


Terra's power is great, but somewhat alien to her, and while she manages to master it as the game progresses, I wanted to find a way to reflect that. The ATB gauge fills up over time l, but only if Terra is actively engaged in battle. If she spams a move too often, not unlike stale damage, the meter slows down considerably for a time. When the ATB is full, the next special is powered, and she cannot choose to not unleash it. The power is simply overflowing, and she needs to let it out on her next spell. These are strong, but do charge slowly

Magic float: Terra flies above the ground as she moves around, just like Mewtwo. She also can slow her descent by holding the jump button. 

Esper transformation: 

A+B: Esper: She swaps into her Esper form. When this is possible, she has a magical aura. She needs to inflict over 130% damage for a single charge. The charge is carried over upon losing a stock.



B: Blizarra: Charge similar to Shiek's needles where Terra summons up to three ice shards floating with her. She can tap B at anytimes to launch them forward, and this doesn't stop her movement.. they are weak projectiles that do chip damage can can be used to stun an enemy mid-attack, or to set up a a combo-starter / continue a combo. If she has at least one charge, you can either hold B to get the next two charges, or tap B to launch one. 


ATB version: Blizaga - throws many ice needles that hit subsequently, like Shiek needles, but final one is a larger chunk that has good KB. The ATB version does not need a charge to be executed. 


Side B: Flare: a tiny bead of flame slowly moves forward and explodes on a timer. 

The bead would be tiny, then explode into a much larger blast.

ATB version: Meltdown - starts the same, but larger explosion, can kill. 


Down B : Thunder / Thundara / Thundaga - This summons a thunder bolt from above, a bit ahead of Terra, but the angle is slightly diagonal. This send the opponent flying forward. She can charge it and keep the charge. The power increases depending on how long it was charged. 

ATB version: Meteor - Same angle, but multiple meteors (5) descend in succession. This covers a wider area. The main advantage is that Terra can run through while the last few are still falling. 


Up B: Tornado: - Terra summons a tornado around her and launches herself higher. If an opponent is nearby, it gets dragged into the tornado and gets launched with her. Terra can then combo in the air. Because she doesn't go in soecial fall, this recovery is not incredible. 


ATB version: tornado is stronger, and Terra launches herself higher, alongside whoever is stuck in the tornado with her. She can follow-up as well, but because it sends higher, it's easier to kill off the top of the screen with an up air. 




Jab: Two delicate horizontal sword swings, but third one, she jolts a bit of electricity from her hand. 


Dash attack: Since Terra floats like Mewtwo, I envision something that transitions well from it. She would momentarily slow to a near halt, electrify herself, then lunge while gliding forward, covered with lightning, not too unlike Charizard's thunder punch, but with sword in hand. The dash stops her movement very briefly, but then she is sent moving forward quickly. She disapears, leaving a track of lightning behind, and re-appears with leftover static emanating from her. This effect is meant to imply that she moves so fast that all you see is lightning. She is vulnerable if she misses.



Forward Smash: Holy - Terra summons a ball of light close to her chest, then shoves it forward. It explode, fairly strong.

Of course, only one ball.


Down Smash: Quake - Terra stabs down at the ground diagonally. This makes a stone pillar, diagonally pointed mostly up and sligntly towards Terra. This is some distance away from her. This sends foes up and towards her. If she hits with the sword, this has fixed KB and sends foes towards the spike.


Up Smash: Similar motion to this, but with flames, and faster. Flames remain conjured above her. Kind of like Roy Up smash, keeps enemy stuck in the fire momentarily, does multihit damage. But enemy is sent flying high after.




Forwards tilt: Riot blade 

Terra places a palm on her the flat of her sword. A multi-hit, swirling wind (probably can use green sword trails) circle moves forward, a short distance. This is similar to a very short distance razor leaf that ends with a weak KB up and slightly. This will normally not be great for comboes, but the extra range is a boon in some cases. Because it momentarily keeps enemies in place / pushes back a bit, it can be used to move the enemy in an impending flare explosion. At low damage and bad DI, can potentially lead into down tilt quake spike formation. 

Other reference for visual flair: 

Up Tilt: Flood - Water spout blasts enemy upwards. 


Down tilt: Fire – Terra summons three successive flames bursts from the ground. This sends diagonally up, forward after fire stunning for a bit. 




N-Air: Ice chunks float and spin around her. Initial part of the Dissidia combo animation. 


Forward air: Uses ice chunks again, but this time, Terra spins whilst her head is facing diagonally, slightly upwards. The ice chunks are spinning starting from her feet, the ending right in front of her. This hits forward, up diagonally. This uses the final part of the Dissidia animation 


Down Air: Graviga - Terra sets her palm downwards, and a dark orb is summoned. This meteors, and the closer the foes is to the middle of the hitbox, the stronger the meteor. It this move hits, Terra does a tiny magical flip backwards, gaining a little, but not much height.

Up Air: Terra gracefully sets her arms in a relaxed Y pose, which has a cone of flames erupt. This is not necessarily the strongest kill move, but it has range and "can" kill when combined with ATB Tornado, or even normal tornado if planned well (ex: done from high up, or at high enemy damage). This is inspired by burning hands from D&D. 





Pummel: Drain - Terra drains a tiny bit of HP. 


Forward throw: Terra levitates her foe as if she’s holding it elevated by the collar (but not actually touching them), and they explode with flames.

Back throw: Magically levitates enemy above her in an arc until they are behind her, then blasts them away. Small icicles (like the neutral B icicles) hit the enemy. Works like Fox and Falco back throw. 

Up throw: Levitate enemy above her, summons a tornado, and blasts them upwards.

Down throw: Uses gravity to crush foes to the ground. Puts them in lying down position, like Snake’s down throw.



Spotdodge: Vanish, she disappears momentarily with magic. 

Roll: Blur - dashes to one side or the other with an after-image.

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