mercredi 1 décembre 2021

Project M moveset writeup: Daisy

Being the flower princess, I would like to imagine that Daisy may be more in tune with the powers that the flowers in the Mario universe provide. Her flower abilities would be empowered, making full use of their properties.

She ought to be a fast-faller and enjoys better running speed than Peach. She would be better at being up-close and personal, and the projectiles she has are situational and not as spammable.

She has no float, but does have a third very small jump from Super Mario Run.

To make her feel more tomboyish, I felt that she should have more brutal moves, but with the juxtaposition that she's doing this with high energy. I took some inspiration from how delinquents are protrayed in Japanese animated media, but also, Mario Land, Sports games and Mario Kart.



B: Mario Land Fireball – By tapping B, Daisy could launch a fireball diagonally downwards. It travels a fair distance and bounces on any surface it touches. On stages without walls, this would be more on a move you could use in the air, like Akuma could in Street Fighter, but it could also be useful against those standing on platforms, using the ground as a bouncing point. Normally, this is strong enough to have light KB, but B can be held, and Daisy can channel flower power, which she can store for later. She can then unleash a more powerful, larger fireball. This is a strong-ish projectile, but only one fireball can be fired at once. 


Side B: Drift Bash– Inspired by Mario Kart, Daisy Will dash forward in a marathon-runner stance, and tapping A will have her uppercut foes with forward momentum. However, you can choose to not attack, and instead hold the other direction. Whilst doing so, Daisy will drift on the ground and sparks will appear at her feet. First, yellow, then blue, then purple. Each spark stage increases the power of the move. Normal and Yellow can feasibly used to combo at different percents, but Blue and Purple can feasibly kill (albeit blue would need to be at a pretty high percent / low ceiling stages). If Daisy is drifting, tapping A launches her in the direction she is drifting away from into the uppercut. Letting go of the stick makes her run in the direction she is running away from. She keeps her drift charges, but loses them if she is interrupted out of her side B, whether it’s by her shielding, being hit, or jumping. In other words, she could do say: 
· Side B -> 
· Tilt stick back <-
· Bank Yellow and blue spark 
· Let go of stick she runs left
· Hold the other way ->
· Bank purple spark 
· Launch this way by tapping A ->


The progression would need to be faster than how long it takes in the video, and can feasibly be charged in one drift, but the option to fake out seemed interesting. The first frames of her dash have a weak hitbox that knock enemies off their feet, but not much more, and kind of like an Ultimate dash, you need to commit to those few frames before being able to turn and drift.

Down B: Soccer kick - Daisy sets a ball on the ground, and if you just tap B, she kicks it, it’s fairly weak low trajectory, and barely makes the foes flinch. If she hold B though, the ball gets a slightly higher arc, and does more damage and KB. If she holds it even longer, she uses her flower power to make it an ice attack, and it hits hard.


Up B: Flower rise – Daisy would take out a large spinning flower and rise up, just like Peach normally does. She would get more slightly more vertical recovery from it, but her float would descend faster and thus have less horizontal recovery. At the apex of the rise, the middle portion of the flower would release a pollen blast and cause extra damage / knock straight up. This could potentially be used closer to the top of the stage for a star KO. 



This is also inspired by Mario Galaxy:



Jab: Series of kicks, Chun-Li style, ending with a stronger final hit with a flower effect.


Dash attack: Bowser-style drop kick. 




Forward Smash: Advancing Palm strike. Blasts with flame.

Down Smash: Geomancy - From Mario strikers, keep it as its original Remix style. Would be cool it it grew flowers under her too for aesthetics, but limitations may prevent this.

Up smash : Upward jab, other fist is clenched and flexed. Kind of like that, but with more confidence : 


Has flower GFX.



Forward tilt: Bat swing downwards. Only uses one hand.

Up tilt: One handed bat swing that ends with the bat resting on her shoulders. Bats enemy up and away.


Down tilt: Volleyball set – Sends opponent up. Meant to lead into Forward air.



Nair: Spin, not unlike Peach, but the is surrounded by petals.

F-Air: Ganon style Forward air. It has a fire effect. It is a punch, but also meant to pair with down tilt, which is a volleyball set.

Back air: A powerful back kick. Functionally like a Captain Falcon back air.

Down air: Since Peach has a multi-hit, I think a brutal stomp makes sense. Simple meteor. Flower GFX on hit 

Up air: I like Remix Up-Air just fine. An acrobatic kick makes sense to me.



Pummel: Gut punch.


Forward Throw: Macho man spin punch. Hits forward.


Could also be a crouching uppercut.

Down throw: Lifts enemy and slams them into the ground. Bounces them up.


Back throw: Sommersault throw - Daisy rolls back with the foes, and kicks them off of her.



Dash: I think that Daisy should run while swinging her arms. She's competitive, and would push herself to run.



- Based of many flowers, including a pink one with a Sakura flower Up B for example.

- Based off N64 Daisy


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