lundi 29 novembre 2021

Project M movest writeup: Terra Brandford

Final Fantasy VI is, according to me, the best thing to come out of the series. It is a game with an epic storyline, where almost every character could arguably be seen as the main character. I am partial to Locke, but this Terra writeup was a request by Atma, who has put some of his own ideas in there. Again, this is no confirmation that this character would ever be included in Remix, but there is clearly a lot of love for this game, and this character.

I immediately thought that the sword ought to be on her person, but mostly used to channel magic as opposed to fighting with it. This is why I made very minimal use of it. I wanted to focus on her magic and what she could do with it differently from other characters like Zelda or Palutena. She is definitely a glass canon, but her magic is nothing to scoff at. 

I hope you enjoy this take on the character as a Smash contender.

ATB gauge: 


Terra's power is great, but somewhat alien to her, and while she manages to master it as the game progresses, I wanted to find a way to reflect that. The ATB gauge fills up over time l, but only if Terra is actively engaged in battle. If she spams a move too often, not unlike stale damage, the meter slows down considerably for a time. When the ATB is full, the next special is powered, and she cannot choose to not unleash it. The power is simply overflowing, and she needs to let it out on her next spell. These are strong, but do charge slowly

Magic float: Terra flies above the ground as she moves around, just like Mewtwo. She also can slow her descent by holding the jump button. 

Esper transformation: 

A+B: Esper: She swaps into her Esper form. When this is possible, she has a magical aura. She needs to inflict over 130% damage for a single charge. The charge is carried over upon losing a stock.



B: Blizarra: Charge similar to Shiek's needles where Terra summons up to three ice shards floating with her. She can tap B at anytimes to launch them forward, and this doesn't stop her movement.. they are weak projectiles that do chip damage can can be used to stun an enemy mid-attack, or to set up a a combo-starter / continue a combo. If she has at least one charge, you can either hold B to get the next two charges, or tap B to launch one. 


ATB version: Blizaga - throws many ice needles that hit subsequently, like Shiek needles, but final one is a larger chunk that has good KB. The ATB version does not need a charge to be executed. 


Side B: Flare: a tiny bead of flame slowly moves forward and explodes on a timer. 

The bead would be tiny, then explode into a much larger blast.

ATB version: Meltdown - starts the same, but larger explosion, can kill. 


Down B : Thunder / Thundara / Thundaga - This summons a thunder bolt from above, a bit ahead of Terra, but the angle is slightly diagonal. This send the opponent flying forward. She can charge it and keep the charge. The power increases depending on how long it was charged. 

ATB version: Meteor - Same angle, but multiple meteors (5) descend in succession. This covers a wider area. The main advantage is that Terra can run through while the last few are still falling. 


Up B: Tornado: - Terra summons a tornado around her and launches herself higher. If an opponent is nearby, it gets dragged into the tornado and gets launched with her. Terra can then combo in the air. Because she doesn't go in soecial fall, this recovery is not incredible. 


ATB version: tornado is stronger, and Terra launches herself higher, alongside whoever is stuck in the tornado with her. She can follow-up as well, but because it sends higher, it's easier to kill off the top of the screen with an up air. 




Jab: Two delicate horizontal sword swings, but third one, she jolts a bit of electricity from her hand. 


Dash attack: Since Terra floats like Mewtwo, I envision something that transitions well from it. She would momentarily slow to a near halt, electrify herself, then lunge while gliding forward, covered with lightning, not too unlike Charizard's thunder punch, but with sword in hand. The dash stops her movement very briefly, but then she is sent moving forward quickly. She disapears, leaving a track of lightning behind, and re-appears with leftover static emanating from her. This effect is meant to imply that she moves so fast that all you see is lightning. She is vulnerable if she misses.



Forward Smash: Holy - Terra summons a ball of light close to her chest, then shoves it forward. It explode, fairly strong.

Of course, only one ball.


Down Smash: Quake - Terra stabs down at the ground diagonally. This makes a stone pillar, diagonally pointed mostly up and sligntly towards Terra. This is some distance away from her. This sends foes up and towards her. If she hits with the sword, this has fixed KB and sends foes towards the spike.


Up Smash: Similar motion to this, but with flames, and faster. Flames remain conjured above her. Kind of like Roy Up smash, keeps enemy stuck in the fire momentarily, does multihit damage. But enemy is sent flying high after.




Forwards tilt: Riot blade 

Terra places a palm on her the flat of her sword. A multi-hit, swirling wind (probably can use green sword trails) circle moves forward, a short distance. This is similar to a very short distance razor leaf that ends with a weak KB up and slightly. This will normally not be great for comboes, but the extra range is a boon in some cases. Because it momentarily keeps enemies in place / pushes back a bit, it can be used to move the enemy in an impending flare explosion. At low damage and bad DI, can potentially lead into down tilt quake spike formation. 

Other reference for visual flair: 

Up Tilt: Flood - Water spout blasts enemy upwards. 


Down tilt: Fire – Terra summons three successive flames bursts from the ground. This sends diagonally up, forward after fire stunning for a bit. 




N-Air: Ice chunks float and spin around her. Initial part of the Dissidia combo animation. 


Forward air: Uses ice chunks again, but this time, Terra spins whilst her head is facing diagonally, slightly upwards. The ice chunks are spinning starting from her feet, the ending right in front of her. This hits forward, up diagonally. This uses the final part of the Dissidia animation 


Down Air: Graviga - Terra sets her palm downwards, and a dark orb is summoned. This meteors, and the closer the foes is to the middle of the hitbox, the stronger the meteor. It this move hits, Terra does a tiny magical flip backwards, gaining a little, but not much height.

Up Air: Terra gracefully sets her arms in a relaxed Y pose, which has a cone of flames erupt. This is not necessarily the strongest kill move, but it has range and "can" kill when combined with ATB Tornado, or even normal tornado if planned well (ex: done from high up, or at high enemy damage). This is inspired by burning hands from D&D. 





Pummel: Drain - Terra drains a tiny bit of HP. 


Forward throw: Terra levitates her foe as if she’s holding it elevated by the collar (but not actually touching them), and they explode with flames.

Back throw: Magically levitates enemy above her in an arc until they are behind her, then blasts them away. Small icicles (like the neutral B icicles) hit the enemy. Works like Fox and Falco back throw. 

Up throw: Levitate enemy above her, summons a tornado, and blasts them upwards.

Down throw: Uses gravity to crush foes to the ground. Puts them in lying down position, like Snake’s down throw.



Spotdodge: Vanish, she disappears momentarily with magic. 

Roll: Blur - dashes to one side or the other with an after-image.

samedi 27 novembre 2021

Now, as much as I love Fire Emblem, I also like other games, believe it or not. I've always love the Nintendo 64 Zelda titles, and I've always had an affinity for Malon. I like her simple design, and my headcanon is that she married Link, and this is why Twilight Princess Link is a rancher. There are many other characters that would be more obvious picks, but I also like the idea of challenging myself to think of moves for a character that normally wouldn't be much of a fighter. This moveset is sillier than the last three, but I think it will provide an interesting way to implement a horse assist system.


Carrot meter:

As the one who has raised Epona, it seemed like a good idea to incorporate her in her moveset. Malon will be able to store up to three charges on a carrot meter, inspired by the one present in Ocarina of time. She will start every stock with one charge, and will be able to add supplemental charges by singing Epona's song. This will be set to down B, but this will be explained further below.

A+B while holding a direction unleashes Epona who would appear, not unlike an assist from the Marvel series, and then take an action. In several instances, Malon can continue to move, unimpeded and without interruptions. This enables her to creatively extend comboes beyond what is normally possible.

Neutral B: Bow - A reference to Romani in Majora's mask. Fairly weak projectile. Can angle up diagonally. The arrow does not travel as far as Link and has more of an arc to it.

Side B: Cow Bell - She swings a giant cowbell overhead with force. It is slow to start, and hitting a foe with the bell hits hard, like a Kirby hammer. If it is grounded, as it hits the ground, it launches a soundwave forward, like a stronger Power Wave. 

Down B: Sing - Tapping once has Malon sing Epona's song. It increases her carrot meter by one. She can hold the button to continue playing seamlessly and keep charging her carrot meter at up to 3.

Up B Cuccoo Flight: jumps and uses a cuckoo above her head to glide down slowly. Good horizontal recovery, but not much height. The cucco will peck whatever it hits from the front. She can tap A to throw the cucoo, and if she lands with it, she can keep it and throw it at any time. When thrown, the cuccoo will fly forward horizontally and slowly and peck whatever is in its path. Upon landing, it leaves.



A+B: Epona appears where Malon stands and does a kick with its back hooves. Pretty strong.

A+Side B: Send Epona careening forward. It headbutts opponents. Vertical KB for combo potential. 

A+Down B: Epona stomps on the ground, impacting any opponent nearby with a shockwave. I have two potential ideas here. Powerful if hits opponents, but if barely misses, can trip., which Malon can use for tech chases



A+Up B: Epona will leap forward and up in an arc, intercepting people above. 





Single jab, then multihit jabs, then final stab hits harders and send foes flying forward a bit. 


Dash attack:

Vaulting attack. Will vault, spin, then slam down with the pitchfork. Can instead choose to forego the final attack and press jump at the apex of the move and jump out of it, higher than you normally could. The first part of the attack where Malon vaults is slightly vertical and forward. For the second part of the move, because it is a two-step process, is does have decent power.

Could also end in: 


Running stab. Good range, but she stumbled a bit as she is not a trained fighter. Strong Dash attack from the video can also be used to have a more vertical slice at the end instead. 


Tilts: These is primarily focus on a pitchfork. Good range, not very strong, but gives her a means to set control enemy placement and to set up her assists.

Forward tilt: Awkward jab. Since it rises, could have a diagonal angle. And even send towards you as a pull in move. Tip us more effective.

Up Tilt: Swipes upwards, sends up and a bit behind you. 

Down Tilt: Sweep with pitchfork. Good range. Can be used to neuter bad recoveries. Tip has more power 


Smashes: Her smash attacks will primarily use a giant cowbell. It will be heavy, so slow, but powerful. Many mkves are inslired by Marin, whkse shares simarities as a Zelda Songstress character.

Forward Smash: Spin Smash with the cowbell. 

Down Smash: slams giant cowbell on both sides. Pretty strong damage. Strong, but somewhat slow.

Up Smash: Shakes giant cowbell on top of her head, causing shockwaves 



Neutral air: She spins her pitchfork in a circular motion. Launching direction depends on where it hits. Usually up, but in the direction it hits.

Forward air: swipe forward, from low to high. Send a bit forward and up. 


Back air: Stabs behind her, strongest at the end of the pitchfork. 

Down air: Stabs down, send up, very slight diagonal. 

Or, jabs diagonally see video at 1:50: 

But imagine it is not thrown. Tip has more power.

Up air: Malon pulls out her hand, and a cuccoo egg bursts open, revealing cuccoo, wings spread out. Strongest at the moment it bursts out.


Grab: Throws a lasso forward to grab enemies at range, like Link's hookshot. Does not tether offstage.

Pummel: Tightens lasso for damage.

Forward throw: swings opponent with the rope. She hurls it around her, and release forward.

Back throw: Heaves opponent like a bunch of straws.

Down throw: Break a pot on opponent's head.

Up throw: Cargo throw? As if she is carrying a bunch of hay.



Milk taunt: same as Toon Link, she deinks Lon Lon Milk and gets a small percent heal. However, there is a small chance of her getting Chateau Romani instead, which gives Malon a charge on her carrot meter.

Project M moveset writeup: Hector

 If there is a Fire Emblem protagonist that resonates with a lot of people, it's Hector. He's a different kind of protagonist; one that can be brash and in your face, but who also possesses a surprising amount of wisdom. As an axe fighter, he would provide a unique moveset, which would be even more interesting when taking into account that the Armads, his legendary weapon, emits electricity. He is also an armoured unit, and as such, would have slow movement speed. This means that instead he will need ways to bridge the gap between himself and the enemy while feeling like an impenetrable wall. As such, his walk cycle would be unimpeded by weaker projectiles, and his moveset would have some ways to utilize his armor as well as give him a way to get closer to the enemy despite his slow speed. He is meant to be slow, but also very strong.


Heavy, slow runner, poor jumps. He can get some bursts of movement with dash attack, but will be easily punished if he uses it willy-nilly.

Heavy armour specials:

Hector will be able to tank certain attacks, just like Bowser. This would be Heavy Armor as opposed to Super Armor, but would be very potent. For specials, Hector has the possibility to do a slower, more powerful move by holding down B, which will have a bit more startup lag and endlag. You will have to commit to the attack and cannot cancel it. This animation indicated a charged attack:


Approach specials:

Hector is slow, and his mobility is bad, as it should be. Then again, Hector likes a direct encounter. I think that most of his specials should be tailored to bring him back into the action, either by bringing him closer, or bringing the opponent closer. There are not meant to make him mobile, but rather, meant to capitalize on the opponent’s mistakes to draw them in / draw himself in.


B - Tomahawk: Throws an axe like a more vertical boomerang. This is slower than a Link boomerang, but does hit harder. If he holds B, he swings his axe in his hand, like the hand axe crit animation, and then he chucks it harder and farther. This is slower, as you must sit through the crit animation. He has Heavy armor when he uses the crit version (when spinning the tomahawk), but also a bit more endlag. Both versions have reverse knockback. In other words, the point of it is to bring enemies closer. This projectile is slow, but destroys most projectiles.

Side B: Chain Axe : Hector throw his Tomahawk, but it’s tied to a chain. If it hits the target, puts them in grabbed state, then Hector launches himself towards the enemy and punches them. This is a ranged command grab meant to bring Hector closer. Holding B, he instead hooks a chain on his Armads, throws it, the chain is electrocuted, and he does the punch. If he misses with Armads, it takes longer for the chain to come back.

Down B: Thunder Armads: Tapping B would be a swing that sends a shockwave from the ground, which trips opponent. Mid-range. If hits with the actual axe, opponent is buried into the ground, like DK side B. Hold B and instead, Hector will raise his axe skyward, gather lightning and instead of a shockwave, a mid-range lightning blast that travels the ground will hit the enemy. This hits harder, stuns a little, and the axe hit could easily be a good kill move. More endlag. Hector has armor when gathering lightning. This is to help Hector bridge the gap between himself and his foe. If done in the air, this move sends him straight down.

Up B - Hectorcopter: Hector spins his axe over his head. He rises, slowly, and this is akin to Snake’s cipher with far less height, but more power. The rise is very slow. Holding Up B let him rise as usual, but his axe is charged with electricity. He however gains a tiny bit more height as he jumps off of his hectorcopter, and swings his axe down. It gives him very little forward momentum. He has heavy armour during his descent, but not when he rises. His electricity-charges axe erupts with electricity at it connects to the ground. This is strong, but it has more landing lag, and easily punishable on whiff.

The thunder effect when he lands:


Jab: Two simple sings. Would be his fastest move.


Dash attack: Warrior spin: When tapped, Hector does an advancing spinning axe attack. This gives him a burst of movement, but it can be punished on whiff.


F-Tilt: Good range side swing using Hawkeye swing animation. Arguably similar use to Ike’s forward tilt.


Up tilt: The first axe spin, above Hector. Anti-air. Does not protect well behind him, but great in front.

Down tilt: Hawkeye crit animation, but lower, and crouched. Less range due to the downward angle.


Forward Smash: Brigand crit animation where they spin and descend on foes. Slow, but powerful. More raw power than F-tilt by far, though there are times you would rather use F-tilt closer to the edge of the stage due to a lower trajectory angle.


Up Smash: Similar but slightly slower than Ike’s Up Smash.


Neutral air: Grabs his tomahawk, but also his Armads, and swings with both axes using the pirate animation from GBA emblem:

This would be faster that forward air, but definitely less powerful.


Forward air: Strong swing, similar to Ike’s forward air, but it is slower to initiate.


Back air: Second swing, behind him. Faster than forward air, but weaker. I envision Hector is a fighter that enjoys hitting directly in front of him.


Up Air: Hector spins his axe, copter style.

May also be a simple downwards to upwards axe arc.

Down Air: Down Swing in an arc. Only the back end (start) of the swing meteors.

ß V V à

*   +  -  =

The move goes from left to right. Only the spot with the star, where it descends into an arc is a very strong meteor. The part with the + signs is a weaker meteor. The part with the – sign send forward at a low angle. The part with the = sign chucks forward at a high angle.


Grab: Grabs with a single hand. But if running, he actually lunges a little.

Pummel: Just punches enemy in the face while holding them with one hand.

Forward throw - Hector just straight-up punches his opponent in the face, bar-fight style. Similar to Fox and Falco forward throw

Back throw: Tosses enemy back with one arm and backswings them with Armads.

Up Throw: Uppercuts them upwards. Doesn’t send that high up. Hector has a bad jump, and it would be hard for him to follow-up otherwise.

Down Throw: Curb stomps


Additional element is that he could shrug off weak projectiles whilst walking, still takes damage, but no KB.

Project M moveset writeup: Alm

Continuing my train of Fire Emblem characters, Alm is a character I am quite fond of (and who happens to have the same North American voice actor as Soren, amusingly enough). He's got a naive, yet very down to earth passion that leads him to turn into a great leader. 

I wrote some of these ideas down about a year ago, and remade them when I learned that others were passionate about the character in the smash scene. I therefore decided to update my old ideas to try and give Alm a more... centurion kind of fighting style.

Alm is a chance at a heavier sword-fighter, not unlike Link. He would use a combination of his Falchion, a heavy bow, his shield and a lightning sword. The idea here is to have a swordfighter who fights like no other sword-wielding character by utilizing what makes him different from other sword heroes in the series. Just because you have a sword, doesn't mean you got to be another Marth.



B: Steel Bow

This would be a heavier bow than the kind you’d find on Link. It takes a little more time to draw the string, and so needs more commitment for any results charging for long enough will provide more distance and power, but the early stages will not travel as far as Link’s arrows and will be as efficient as a wet noodle.


Side B: Double Lion:  Dash forward and a slash. You can then:

-          Tap B again, second swipe, 45% angle, good damage, but not for killing.

-          Forward B: Shield strike: Not much damage, but good knockback, lower angle. Good near ledge

-          Down B: Spin swipe sword low, would lightly bounce on the ground. Meant for tech-chasing.

-          Up B: Swipe upwards, vertical, slightly forward.

One hit only:

Two hits:

This is not meant to have the same effectiveness as Marth or Roy’s Side Bs. It has less steps, less potential for racking up damage, but give him a small mobility burst on the ground.


Down B: Lightning Sword: Uses other hand to take out the lightning sword, and it summons a little lightning bolt at mid range in front of him. Unsure if should be chargeable. Imagine Pikachu Down B with less vertical range and in front of him.

Up: B: Jump, stab down, quick descent.

This is not supposed to be an amazing recovery, mostly vertical. Does very little in the rising phase, but more impactful when descending.


Jab: Two slashes and a shield bash.



Forward Tilt: or (Rudolf). I like the idea of this specific shield bash since he’s hitting with the side of it. I don’t think another character has this kind of move.

Down tilt: Probably a simple sweep, but two-handed.

Up Tilt: Less ideas here. Was thinking of an upwards shield swing, as if he was swatting a blow from above.

Dash attack: Run and shield bash. Inspire by Palutena shield bash. Fairly good knockback, but easy to counter with a shield grab.



Forward smash: Slow, but powerful.

Up Smash: Thunderclap: Raises Lightning sword above him. Spark of electricity.

Could also be a rendition of this:

Down Smash: Plants sword into the ground, holy light emerges. Or, can also do it with Lightning Sword instead.



Neutral air: Single strong swing.

Forward Air: Maybe this:

Would have some windup.

Back Air: Shield bash from behind, kind of like Palutena

Down Air: Two-handed stab, meteor. Has some windup.

Up Air: Unsure on that regard, but I imagined either a shield bash or a simple swing.



Final Smash: Scendscale:





Project M Moveset writeup: Soren

In recent times, I have been dipping my toes back into Project M, and after speaking with the passionate PM EX team, I was reminded of how fun it was to think about concepts for new and existing smash characters. This made me want to try and make character writeups for fun. Do not take these as confirmation of their inclusion.

The first up is Soren, wind mage and staff officer of the Greil mercenaries in Fire Emblem Path of Radiance. 

Soren is arguably the most narratively-developped support characters in the series due to his origins being intrinsically tied to the events that led to the various geopolitical conflicts in the world of Tellius. And the funny part is that most people simply will never see this story unfold, as it is hidden under a litany of extremely obscure events. He is so my favourite character in the series due to the very multifaceted approach to his character. I very much enjoy a tactician character that is pragmatic.

Still, a character isn't really worth adding in a game unless it is fun to use. As such, I tries to make a build that would make for a unique playstyle, leaning into his more shrewd personality and his mastery of magic, especially his wind mastery.


Physics and attributes:

I was thinking of a slightly under average floaty with okay air mobility, but somewhat quick fast fall. This is more to reflect control over wind.

Running speed would be relatively fast to echo his stats in the games, but any physical move would be weak, and his defense would be quite low, so easy to get early kills on.

Adept meter: 

Some Tellius characters comes into your team with a skill baked into them. It takes no skill capacity for them to keep them, so it is implied that these skills are either innate or fully mastered. Soren's baked in skill is "Adept". Based on his skill stat in PoR or his speed stat in RD, Soren can activate Adept, which allows him to attack an additional time. This is quite powerful, as if he doubles, that is a potential four attacks, and four opportunities to crit / activating another skill. However, random chance is not exactly great character design.

Soren would build up an Adept Meter, enabling him to store up to two adept charges. Not unlike Lucario, A+B and whatever direction you choose will power up the chosen special attack. These will be made to look like very quick successive attacks to echo the effects of an Adept effect. The charge is expended whether the move connects or not. To indicate that a charge is available, Soren's brand on his forehead and his red eyes would glow. This is a reference to his draconic / half-breed heritage.

Potential activation effect GFX

I think he ought to keep his opponents airborne and kill off the top of the screen more than the average character.

I would also use transparent green sword trails to emulate wind in some instances. This is to limit file size issues that come with too many spell effects.

B: Elwind / Elfire / Arcthunder :

Not unlike Robin, he gets to charge up his neutral B in multiple stages. However, unlike Robin, it doesn't send an attack straight forward. In fact, this is more akin to Robin's Side B, but with multiple stages, sending a projectile downwards.

Charge 1: Elwind - Large wind arc sent downwards with starting point over Soren's head, fast, multi-hit, but weak. Sends opponent straight up.

Charge 2: Elfire: - Fire ball, same starting point. Slightly ower than Wind, but explodes on landing. Does more damage. Knockback less vertical. This also "could" instead just be inspired by Robin's.

Charge 3: Arcthunder - not unlike Robin's fully-charged neutral special, stream of lightning is summoned, but this is arced diagonally down from atop Soren's head instead. Will have vertical knockback, a lot if hitstun, so Soren can opt to attack into it (but short window of opportunity to deliberate).

Adept B: Rexcalibur (PoR ver.) : Two quick succession of Ice chunks strike downwards from atop Soren's head. First has decent hitstun. Second would immediately hit after for great damage / Vertical KB. Good for killing off the top of the screen at mid-range. Animation could also be icy wind that then explodes in ice on contact.




Rexcalibur (PoR version) :

The rationale is that in Path of Radiance, wind is low might but light (so affects speed less), fire is in the middle, and thunder has higher might, but is also heavier (thus more speed penalty). The evolution in power would therefore make sense, but Soren being primarily a wind user, and high-level magic involving ice, the Adept version being ice-based would circle it back to wind magic.

Other potential casting animation:

Side B: Wind - Soren swings his hand, up to down in a slashing motion. This sends a slashing arc of wind forward. It is fast, has great, but finite range (Three quarters FD), but it only stuns like a Falco laser. Similar damage.

Adept B: Wind / Wind crit - Same initial motion and action, but very quickly follows it up with a second, bigger arc of wind. The first one has more hitstun on the initial hit (this is to make the second one connects regardless of distance). The second wind strike hits harder, has knockback. A move whose use is to rack up damage. It can kill, but at high percents / close to stage boundaries. When using the Adept version, Soren will stall in the air. This is a workaround to make everything connect.


I opted to not make this push opponents because Isaac already has move, and the spells don't do this in game. They do cutting damage, mostly.

Down B: Tornado - Soren sets a tornado in front of him. This remains in place for some time, but Soren can only summon one at a time. This acts similar to how N64 tornados worked in Smash 64, sending opponents upwards. It also acts as a barrier, absorbing (but not reflecting) enemy projectiles. It can so be placed in the air, and Soren will stall for a brief moment while summoning it. This is meant to be a trap / stage control tool for Soren to creatively interract with. I don't expect it to kill easily unless it happens to be summoned very high up

Adept Down B - Twins Tornadoes - It ultimately acts as one entity, but this is two tornadoes being intertwined, covering slightly more space. It deals more knockback, and it can kill off the top of the screen. Adding an ice effect could in fact make it very close to Rexcalibur, justifying its power in lore.


Reference for the way Tornado can be set in the air:

Being a strategist, I would expect Soren to not always take a direct approach. Unlike Robin, he is actually smart.

Up B: Rising Elwind - This is taken from Robin. Same recovery.

Adept Up B: Rising Wind Finisher - Soren rises as he normally does, but he twirls in around, coated in a tornado. This does hits the target as it rises like a drill piercing the heavens, but Soren goes in special fall as opposed to when he uses a normal Rising Elwind.

The reason for the special fall trade-off despite this being a boosted move is that this is an attack that hit both in front and behind him, and would make recovery a lot easier. It did not seem balanced to let him unleash a powerful attack and then move immediately after.

Normal moves:

Jab: Very simple two wind slashes in front of Soren and then an exploding burst of wind, horizontal KB.

Dash attack: Shiek style cross slash with ams, but you use very close transparent green sword trails to emulate wind. Falco’s Brawl dash attack is also similar in that regard.

The rationale goes hand in hand with Soren being a relatively fast mage and using his abilities creatively.


Forward Smash: Imagine a tornado turned to the side. From his palm. Not huge, but has more range than your average smash attack. Multi-hit.


(“OH SOREN, ALWAYS LOST IN YOUR BOOKS!”. Masterclass voice acting)

Down Smash: takes a step back while turning a bit, ice spouts from the ground. It lets Soren take a step back while erecting a brief ice barrier.


Up Smash: Raises arm, winds rise around him, trapping enemies toward him and up, then ice explosion.

The rationale with using more ice for smash attacks is because high level wind magic in PoR is ice-based. As such, seems better for kill moves.


Forward tilt: Horizontal hand gesture, nit unlike Zelda. Sends up and behind Soren. Green sword trail / transparent.

Up tilt: swing arm in a wide arc starting low in front of him and then going in front of him. Use green transparent sword trail to emulate wind. Anti-air. Another alternative is actually one based off Falco’s Brawl up tilt, where he would use two sword trail wind strikes as he spins. While the former has some utility, I do think that the later is a more creative move.

Down tilt: Soren takes a hidden knife from his large sleeves and slashes with it, putting it back afterwards. Not amazing damage, but would work as a makeshift jab-reset and weaker Roy D-tilt (e.g. only good at popping up at high percents).


(With obviously way less range)


Neutral air: In order to use the aesthetics of Soren's large sleeves, I would have Soren spin in a full circle with two sword trails (one at each arm). This would allow Soren to continue juggling airborne enemies. Part of me wonders if a Pikachu style single trail that works like his up air could work, otherwise.


Forward air: Wolverine style cross slash motion, but with green sword trails very close to Soren. Good as off stage gimps.


(Only the final hit with the X slash)

Back air: Two potential ideas. Either a staff strike


Or a knife attack, from a hidden knife in Soren's sleeve. It would actually send up and a bit up and behind Soren to synergize with Up Air.

Up air: Basically Zelda Up Air but using ice. A strong kill move, stronger if sweetspot.

Down air:


Imagine that the sword slash is a wind trail instead. Very diagonal. Ground to air intercept. Pops upwards, slightly back. The tip of the trail is a meteor or weak spike. Slows descent briefly as it comes out (wind is pushing back at his descent)

The point of most aerials is to combo / try and set up the almighty up air kill. So it is all about messing with the opponent's positioning.


Trap foes in transparent wind bonds

Pummel: Cutting wind slashes.

Forward throw: Wind palm strike

Up throw: Trap in tornado throw up.

Down throw: wind slams opponent to the ground. Crushes foe with a little multi-hit damage, then bounces off ground. Could also alternatively be like Snake's dowm throw; wind crushes foe to ground, put in lying down position. Could punish late reaction with down tilt as a jab reset.

Back Throw: A bit like Zero back throw, dashes behind opponent and wind blasts then backwards.

Rationale is that he’s physically weak. He should not be able to lift Donkey Kong. So no physical throws.

Voice clips:

Can be taken from Fire Emblem heroes of other Kyle McCarley voice clips. "Are you ready to die?" Seems like one of the quotes we could use for an adept strike.