samedi 27 novembre 2021

Project M moveset writeup: Hector

 If there is a Fire Emblem protagonist that resonates with a lot of people, it's Hector. He's a different kind of protagonist; one that can be brash and in your face, but who also possesses a surprising amount of wisdom. As an axe fighter, he would provide a unique moveset, which would be even more interesting when taking into account that the Armads, his legendary weapon, emits electricity. He is also an armoured unit, and as such, would have slow movement speed. This means that instead he will need ways to bridge the gap between himself and the enemy while feeling like an impenetrable wall. As such, his walk cycle would be unimpeded by weaker projectiles, and his moveset would have some ways to utilize his armor as well as give him a way to get closer to the enemy despite his slow speed. He is meant to be slow, but also very strong.


Heavy, slow runner, poor jumps. He can get some bursts of movement with dash attack, but will be easily punished if he uses it willy-nilly.

Heavy armour specials:

Hector will be able to tank certain attacks, just like Bowser. This would be Heavy Armor as opposed to Super Armor, but would be very potent. For specials, Hector has the possibility to do a slower, more powerful move by holding down B, which will have a bit more startup lag and endlag. You will have to commit to the attack and cannot cancel it. This animation indicated a charged attack:


Approach specials:

Hector is slow, and his mobility is bad, as it should be. Then again, Hector likes a direct encounter. I think that most of his specials should be tailored to bring him back into the action, either by bringing him closer, or bringing the opponent closer. There are not meant to make him mobile, but rather, meant to capitalize on the opponent’s mistakes to draw them in / draw himself in.


B - Tomahawk: Throws an axe like a more vertical boomerang. This is slower than a Link boomerang, but does hit harder. If he holds B, he swings his axe in his hand, like the hand axe crit animation, and then he chucks it harder and farther. This is slower, as you must sit through the crit animation. He has Heavy armor when he uses the crit version (when spinning the tomahawk), but also a bit more endlag. Both versions have reverse knockback. In other words, the point of it is to bring enemies closer. This projectile is slow, but destroys most projectiles.

Side B: Chain Axe : Hector throw his Tomahawk, but it’s tied to a chain. If it hits the target, puts them in grabbed state, then Hector launches himself towards the enemy and punches them. This is a ranged command grab meant to bring Hector closer. Holding B, he instead hooks a chain on his Armads, throws it, the chain is electrocuted, and he does the punch. If he misses with Armads, it takes longer for the chain to come back.

Down B: Thunder Armads: Tapping B would be a swing that sends a shockwave from the ground, which trips opponent. Mid-range. If hits with the actual axe, opponent is buried into the ground, like DK side B. Hold B and instead, Hector will raise his axe skyward, gather lightning and instead of a shockwave, a mid-range lightning blast that travels the ground will hit the enemy. This hits harder, stuns a little, and the axe hit could easily be a good kill move. More endlag. Hector has armor when gathering lightning. This is to help Hector bridge the gap between himself and his foe. If done in the air, this move sends him straight down.

Up B - Hectorcopter: Hector spins his axe over his head. He rises, slowly, and this is akin to Snake’s cipher with far less height, but more power. The rise is very slow. Holding Up B let him rise as usual, but his axe is charged with electricity. He however gains a tiny bit more height as he jumps off of his hectorcopter, and swings his axe down. It gives him very little forward momentum. He has heavy armour during his descent, but not when he rises. His electricity-charges axe erupts with electricity at it connects to the ground. This is strong, but it has more landing lag, and easily punishable on whiff.

The thunder effect when he lands:


Jab: Two simple sings. Would be his fastest move.


Dash attack: Warrior spin: When tapped, Hector does an advancing spinning axe attack. This gives him a burst of movement, but it can be punished on whiff.


F-Tilt: Good range side swing using Hawkeye swing animation. Arguably similar use to Ike’s forward tilt.


Up tilt: The first axe spin, above Hector. Anti-air. Does not protect well behind him, but great in front.

Down tilt: Hawkeye crit animation, but lower, and crouched. Less range due to the downward angle.


Forward Smash: Brigand crit animation where they spin and descend on foes. Slow, but powerful. More raw power than F-tilt by far, though there are times you would rather use F-tilt closer to the edge of the stage due to a lower trajectory angle.


Up Smash: Similar but slightly slower than Ike’s Up Smash.


Neutral air: Grabs his tomahawk, but also his Armads, and swings with both axes using the pirate animation from GBA emblem:

This would be faster that forward air, but definitely less powerful.


Forward air: Strong swing, similar to Ike’s forward air, but it is slower to initiate.


Back air: Second swing, behind him. Faster than forward air, but weaker. I envision Hector is a fighter that enjoys hitting directly in front of him.


Up Air: Hector spins his axe, copter style.

May also be a simple downwards to upwards axe arc.

Down Air: Down Swing in an arc. Only the back end (start) of the swing meteors.

ß V V à

*   +  -  =

The move goes from left to right. Only the spot with the star, where it descends into an arc is a very strong meteor. The part with the + signs is a weaker meteor. The part with the – sign send forward at a low angle. The part with the = sign chucks forward at a high angle.


Grab: Grabs with a single hand. But if running, he actually lunges a little.

Pummel: Just punches enemy in the face while holding them with one hand.

Forward throw - Hector just straight-up punches his opponent in the face, bar-fight style. Similar to Fox and Falco forward throw

Back throw: Tosses enemy back with one arm and backswings them with Armads.

Up Throw: Uppercuts them upwards. Doesn’t send that high up. Hector has a bad jump, and it would be hard for him to follow-up otherwise.

Down Throw: Curb stomps


Additional element is that he could shrug off weak projectiles whilst walking, still takes damage, but no KB.

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