lundi 7 décembre 2020

Accounts of Nintendo's crimes against its many communities

Nintendo has been harming competitive communities for every single Super Smash Bros game ever conceived, Splatoon, and Arms. This page is meant to be an editable repository of Nintendo's crimes against its communities. Together we ride.

* How Nintendo has hurt ALL of the Smash community:

Art by @Sworderailer

* Further on how Nintendo has hurt the Project M scene:

* And a take from an ex PMDT:

Art by @click_burgundy

* Nintendo forcing Riptide to shut down over then having Project+

More coverage from Upcomer, a very reputable source:

They did this two weeks before the event despite this tournament being public knowledge three months in advance to maximize the damage they could cause:

And this stunt cost over 15 000$ in damages to the Riptide team:

Swanner, a TO from the event spoke up:

* This shutdown led to other tournaments removing Project M pre-emptively out of fear:

* Nintendo forcing the Low Tide City tournament to ban Project+, Smash Remix, and Beyond Melee from their event, harassing their fans who just want to play their game in peace:

Armada gives an idea of how costly and nefarious Nintendo's timing was

* More on the general P+ situation:

* Nintendo takes down videos of people playing P+ on Mang0's channel:

* This includes PMEX videos from other sources:

* This also includes specific hacks and mods:

* Smash Ultimate videos are not exempt from this abuse:

* Nintendo has the gall to start its own online Smash Ultimate tournament right after taking down several smash tournament with a pathetically minuscule set of prizes:

Furthermore, they never paid out the prizes that were promised in a past Splatoon tournament, over a year later:

* And Nickleodeon All Stars Brawl hands out prizes that make Nintendo's offerings look pathetic with a mere fraction of Nintendo's budget:

* Nintendo banning the use of the words "Project M" on Miiverse and falsely labelling it as "Criminal activity", punishing it with bans:

* Related to Project M, Super Smash Bros Legacy XP, a mod of Project M was suddenly stopped. While there is technically no evidence, many suspect Nintendo due to the eerie silence.

* Nintendo takes down Project NX before it even had a chance to do anything. It also takes down a Mr. Game and Watch mod for Rivals of Aether:

* Nintendo of America insider information on how they view our communities:

* Nintendo shutting down The Big House's attempt to safely host an online Melee tournament amidst a deadly pandemic, cancelling both Melee and Ultimate:

More on the Big House in an interview with Juggleguy and how Nintendo's "support" is all about control, and no benefits:

* Nintendo historically tried to remove Melee at EVO 2013. We managed to revert this decision through powerful protests:

* Ninja was apparently intending to add 500 000$ to an EVO prizepool, but was ghosted by Nintendo:

* Fairly comprehensive video showing most of the above by MeleeStatsPod.

* Nintendo blocked streaming for Melee and Brawl at MLG tournament in Orlando:

* Nintendo preventing PlayVS from holding Smash Ultimate circuits under likely false promises as previous statements have made clear. They do not have to shut down a collegiate league to have their own:

And then Nintendo made sure that the person who made the announcement got terminated:

* Nintendo to no longer support / allow Smash Ultimate at EVO (after dropping Melee) in 2022, conveniently after they didn't have any more DLC to market:

* The streamer Ninja has attempted to work with Nintendo on a big Smash tournament, but the "Nintendo ninjas" did not follow up:

* And when Panda created a circuit, it was "licenced". In other words, Panda potentially had to pay Nintendo for it to even occur. Nintendo added nothing of value:

Update: it doesn't seem to be the case, but Nintendo did not contribute much:

* Words such as Slippi, Fizzi, Project M, any criticsm of Nintendo initiated bans in the cup's chat: 

* Nintendo and their partner in crime, PandaGlobal have shut down the competing Smash world Tour, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars to the non-profit organization. There was also mention of how they loathe modding:

Arguments as to why neither organisations acted in good faith:

* Nintendo imposing major limits in Japan for Smash tournaments:

* And now even more restrictions coming to the UK, banning mods and HEAVILY limiting what can be done: 

* The Guidelines are now worldwide:

* Which eventually led to Beyond the summit needed to let go of its employees:

* Nintendo and Panda also refuse to let casters who have enjoyed Project M and P+ / expressed criticism at Nintendo from having careers even if they act professionally:

* Nintendo responded with a misdirection:

* A response to Nintendo's manipulative lawyer speak:

*More shutdowns (Doubledown 2023 and Glitch:

And if you think Nintendo had nothing to do with this, here is a good argument, as Nintendo had the final say:

* PandaGlobal's CEO, Nintendo partner, had plans to drop Melee:

* Nintendo also tried to pretend that they cared about the grassroots community amidst takedowns and licensing to Panda (meaning they had to pay for the event to happen) / controlling the scene (and poor research on IGN's part):

* I can't believe I am saying this, and while I have no way to corroborate this, some have stated that they have been kicked out of a furry convention (2022 Midwest FurFest) for playing Project M there, and that Nintendo ninjas may have had a hand in this. Nowhere appears to be safe:

* Nintendo sued Ludwig over a self-funded smash tournament:

* How Nintendo has hurt the Splatoon community:

Art by @Gobsmacka

* How Nintendo punished the Splatoon Community for standing up for the Smash scene, which bravely attempted to help us:

* How Nintendo refused to produce more of the rare Squid amiibo after a lorry truck containing all special editions containing it was stolen in the UK:

* How Nintendo has hurt the Arms community:

* Nintendo threatened the makers of Icons: Combat Arena:

* Nintendo tries to shut down all platform fighter competitions by timing similar releases at the same time to take mindshare off of them (Rivals of Aether and Nickelodeon All Stars Brawl):

* Furukawa's misguided approach to competitive games. Thinks prize pools somehow make games "less inclusive". We should have seen the lie coming:

No, Furukawa. If we wanted to play solely for money, we would not be playing 19 year old games.

*Nintendo takes down around 30 smash Ultimate mods from GameBanana as well as mods for several other games.

* Nintendo reportedly arguing that controllers breaking en-masse (Joy-Con drift) is "not an issue":

* Class action lawsuit filled in Quebec on that regard:

* Someone took them to court and won:

* And they refuse to say if it was fixed for Switch OLED, or even acknowledge it:

* They may also replace your limited editions with regular ones

* Nintendo refuses to fix Joy-con drift despite a potential solution existing:

* Nintendo attempts to justify drift when under hot water, and word it extremely carefully. Seems to imply they will never fix it. They attribute it to "normal wear and tear":

* Nintendo continues to argue it is not a real problem whilst in court:

* Nintendo continues to blame customers for joycon drift:

No, our sticks are not "worn". They are defective.

* Nintendo essentially argues that they shouldn't be punished for Joy Con drift because some victims are kids and couldn't consent to the EULA:

* Thousands of Joycons got sent for repairs at one single repair spot weekly, leading to strained, unprofessional work ethic, and since they couldn't be bothered to ensure that the right Switch gets sent to the right owner, they had a policy to factory reset all Switch systems, causing lost saves:

* Nintendo launches a paid subscription service for repairs. This includes Joycons drift-related issues:

* Nintendo files a patent where they can sue you if you make not so that characters's clothes don't clip on character models:

* While Nintendo strongly discourages / attacks those modifying their hardware, Valve actually states that it is okay and even provides acces to replacement parts, as well as instructions to take it appart:

And they even released the shell's CAD files for modders to use:

*Nintendo's stance against any and all modifications and disingenuous stance towards their community:

* Reports assert that the Wii U has a fatal flaw that can brick the console if it is not used for an extended period of time. Nintendo has not offered a fix:

* User Mathieulh has discovered that "Nintendo knowingly put bad hynix emmc parts into many WiiU consoles and wouldn't extend the warranty as they failed, worse, they did not provide any tools to unbrick those units it was down to hackers to find the way to avoid those WiiU from filling up landfills."

* Nintendo has a history of taking advantage of the Youtube community as well with its controversial Nintendo Creators Program (Now defunct):

* It has also used this platform to censor criticism and attempted to control reviewers and influencers :

*Nintendo forbidding Japanese viewers to co-stream E3 2021*

* Nintendo hires "IP enforcers". The most vilainous-sounding job I have ever heard:

* Nintendo updates its content creation guidelines with requests that aren't legally enforceable (But they will threaten legal action):

* Nintendo making light of the Mother 3 community that has wanted an official translation for so long:

* Speaking of Earthbound, Nintendo blocked the production of a book by the man who translated Earthbound for no valid reason, depriving fans and an ex employee a great opportunity:

* Nintendo abuses copyright claims on Youtube and attempts the ruin the livelihood of tech youtube channel UFD Tech for showing Tegra exploits, which is fair use:

* Speaking of Youtube copyright abuse, Nintendo is as of 2020/12/08, massively copyright-claiming music from a wide variety of games:

And the continue later:

To the point where he had to shut it down. Also, he never monetized it:

* And to those denying it, sayung it was someone else doing these, Youtube stepped in and confirmed it:

The same happened to BrawlBRSTMs3 X's channel. Neither of those channels monetized any of their videos.

Pokémon music, specifically Diamond and Pearl were taken down. This happened a mere two months before the release of  Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl:

And Square Enix somehow saw the benefits of making the music available before Nintendo:

And more in 2022:

* And now they go after Metroid remixes. Actual transformative works:

* The Pokémon Company Copyright claims videos of a fan-made Pokémon FPS:

* Nintendo and Pokemon Company files a lawsuit against Palworld:

* The lawsuit alledgedly involves patents that were files after Palworld released:

* Nintendo applied for 23 anti Palworld patents. 22 out of 23 patents were rejected by the US copyright office:

* Pokemon Company DMCA Relic Castle, a non-profit community of Pokémon fan games:

* Garry's Mod is removing 20-years worth of Nintendo related workshop items due to takedown requests from Nintendo :

* Nintendo copyright-claimed an Animal. Crossing video by Shesez of Boundary Break merely because he showed Animal Crossing glitches in a video that is clearly fair use:

They are also censoring other channels that show glitches present in the game. Another example of them going after fair use cases:

* Nintendo copyright claims videos about modding or hacking the Super Mario Bros Game & Watch:

* Nintendo takes down videos showing how to emulate on a Steam Deck. Emulation is legal. They are making false claims:

* Nintendo alledgedly goes after youtubers over emulation. Of note, they have no evidence to disprove that said content creators aren't using legal backups:

* Despite their assertion that emulation is illegal, Nintendo emulates games on PC in their own museum

* Nintendo admits emulators are legal but still try to stop them:

* Nintendo going after RGT 85 for just... reviewing Metroid Dread, legitimately. Even Youtube had his back:

* Nintendo copyright strikes the Reto Game Corps channel for covering the Mig Switch cart despite proving that he owned the games he legally backed up.

And it appears Nintendo isn't letting up:

* Nintendo is suing a streamer for 150 000$ per leaked games he played. He played over 50, meaning the price is exhorbitant.

* Nintendo sues the Yuzu emulator. Emulation is completely legal. This was of course paired with a Pokemon Presents to bury the bad press. This also had the collateral effect of shutting down the Citra 3DS emulator

* On the heels of Yuzu's demise, the 3DS homebrew tool FBI title manager was removed from GitHub

* Then another useful tool was removed, Linkalho is a Switch homebrew that lets you link a fake Nintendo account to use games and apps.

* The fear this caused has then led another GBA emulator, Pizza Boy to shut down:

* SigPatch Updater was then attacked with a DMCA takedown. This lets you backup your own keys, going against right to repair:

* Nintendo takes down Suyu's gitlab, abusing DMCA. Gitlab failed to protect Suyu's developpers:

* Nintendo nuked the discord servers for Suyu and Sudachi, abusing DMCA. Discord is also guilty of enabling this behaviour and not defending their privacy:

* Nintendo using a DMCA takedown on a github hosting 8500 Yuzu clones.

* Nintendo DMCAs Suyu, Sudachi, Torzu, Uzuy, and Nuzu emulators:

* Nintendo of America threatens Ryujinx emulator into stopping development:

It was apparently a cease and desist:

* Nintendo even claims they can sue anyone for the mere act of using an emulator, EVEN with legal copies:

* Nintendo alledgedly takes down console modder's abilities to do business through falsely stating they are facilitating infringement :

* Nintendo taking down a DidYouKnowGaming video about the coverage of the Heroes of Hyrule rejected concepts from Retro Studios, which falls under journalism:

The videos were counterclaimed and reinstated. Nintendo was confirmed to be the bad actor:

* Nintendo going after Austin John Plays for covering a Zelda mod:

* Nintendo going after smash texture mods videos:

* Nintendo going after Mario Kart mod videos:

* Nintendo going after breath of the wild mods, abusing the DMCA:

* Nintendo tried to take down multiple githubs, including some for a completely legal app called Lockpick, which lets you backup and dump keys from your own Switch:

* Nintendo censoring political and business messages in Animal Crossing, not respecting Freedom of Speech:

* Nintendo heavily trying to control your experience with Animal Crossing, letting you only have one Island per system, limiting data transfers:

* And doing so it not necessarily easy to figure out:

* Nintendo massively takes down videos from renowned speedrunner PangeaPanga due to him using hacks:

* Nintendo issues bans on Twitch to people who obtained a legal copy of Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity just because they didn't check their time zones and did not even deem it worthy to apologize:

* Nintendo takes down Fire Emblem Engage videos:

* Nintendo issued a DMCA takedown for images from an old Japan only 1996 super Mario 64 guide scan, not letting players simply enjoy the art for archival and historical purposes:

* Someone was kind enough to scan every single Nintendo Power magazine to the Internet Archives for preservation purposes, and Nintendo took it down despite having no financial reasons to do so:

* Nintendo issued a #DMCA takedown targeting the Dreamkeepers logo icon, which was designed by the webtoon creator. They are really stretching the definition of Copyright Infringement:

Nintendo can't claim ownership on the letters "DK". The artist penned the font of this logo by hand. This is HIS intellectual property.

Does is really look like Nintendo's?


* Speaking of Donkey Kong, it appeara tbat they may have colluded with GameFly to change a negative review of Donkey Konga 2:

* Nintendo shutting down AM2R, claiming it was made for profit despite the creator not charging a dime for it after he worked on it for 10 years:

* Nintendo also blocked it from getting recognition at the Game Awards alongside Pokemon Uranium:,%22Best%20Fan%20Creation%22%20category. 

* Nintendo shuts down Pokemon Prism right before release:

* Nintendo takes down Mario Royale and conveniently comes up with Super Mario 35.

* Nintendo shut down Zelda fan project The Missing Link:

* Nintendo shuts down Pokemon MMO Pokénet while unwiling to provide this experience themselves.

* Nintendo shuts down a project to make a 2D version if Metroid Prime that took 15 years to make.

* Nintendo taking down a beautiful Link's Awakening PC port:

* Nintendo taking down a Pokémon-inspired Palworld Mod:

* Nintendo refusing to implement Super Metroid in Metroid Prime for senseless reasons:

* Nintendo alledgedly steals a cactus design from the mod "Newer Super Mario Bros Wii" for their theme park and does not credit the artists:

* Nintendo also alledgedly steals a Mario render from a fan artist:

* Nintendo shuts down kickstarter for a cute passport holder themed after Animal Crossing.

* Nintendo shuts down hundreds of fan games from Game Jolt:

*Nintendo sues Fire Emblem creator  Shouzou Kaga for trying to make his own Fire Emblem style game:

Other miscelaneous fan projects:

* Nintendo taking down Pokemon Scarlet and Violet videos with DMCA takedowns for showing already-released Pokémon:

* Nintendo alledgedly sending a cease and desist to a painter (for instagram paintings):

* Nintendo delisting cheaper Wii U versions of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and Pikmin 3 conveniently right before a full-priced Switch port with minor upgrades. Pikmin 3 was since added back, but DKC:TP still remains delisted:

* Nintendo is not and has never been forced to step in to protect its IP. Mods are legal. Resale of legally bought goods is legal. Emulation of games you backed up is legal:

* Another enlightening argument:

* Sony lost court cases, setting precedentt that emulation is legal:

* This channel actually consulted a copyright lawyer. Companies do not have to defend their IP, and when it comes to trademarks, there are extremely easy ways to license them in a safe, controlled way:

And Valve has such an example of a license:

And Nintendo is no stranger to such policies:

Same with the Pokémon Company, albeit this one is very draconian:

* Some copyright infringements were legally found to be beneficial to a rights holder:

* Other developpers like those behind Nickleodeon all Stars Brawl actually take a positive stance on modding:

* Nintendo trying to decide how people can "acceptably" play their legacy games (E.G. buying the second hand at inflated prices instead of emulation):

* Nintendo suing Gary Bowser for making software that circumvents their unreasonable security, despite people having every right to modify their consoles:

Bowser was also sentenced to pay millions of dollars, and 40 months in prison. Quite overkill:

And then they have the gall to thank the judge for this excessive punishment, a man saddled with a lifetime debt, and losing three years of his life:

And he'll have to pay 25-30% of his income to Nintendo for the rest of his life:

This is how it has affected his life:

* Another excessive punishment for a console they no-longer support:

* Nintendo uses manipulative language to hide the fact that they are beholden to DMCA backup protections:

* Nintendo sues the makers of Shironeko Project with a bullshit claim about using a touch screen as a stand-in for a joystick somehow being a Nintendo copyright... a control scheme they did not invent and has been used for years prior:

* I can't believe I am saying this, but in order to prevent someone making fan... riské... videos of their IP, Nintendo copyrighted Bowser's dong:

* 4 years ago, Sega fired shots at Nintendo, instead encouraging fans to continue making Sonic content. They also worked with romhackers to make the successful Sonic Mania: Spoiler alert: They still own Sonic, ultimately doing what Nintendon't:

* Microsoft saving, an esports organization platform deeply rooted in the Smash community while Nintendo does nothing:

* Nintendo reportedly not allowing the sale of physical preorders (Related to the remake of Paper Mario: the Thousand Year Door"

* They are also doing this to Luigi's Mansion 2

* Lackluster and anti-consumer refund policy that is leagues behind Valve, Microsoft and Sony.

* Nintendo also refused to refund Pokemon expansions that were mistakenly bought for the wrong version of the game until they suffered enough backlash:

* Pokemon Scarlet and Violet were riddled with bugs at launch and released in an unnacceptable state by any standards:

* They focused on fixing duplication exploits instead of prioritizing game-breaking bugs and performance issues:

* Non-refund policy on Switch-Game-Vouchers alledgedly violated EU consumer protection law:

* And it indeed was a violation of EU law. Nintendo lost the case in appeals court:

* Nintendo ruins a leaker's life by suing him an impossible amount of money. I understand the criminal implications, but it seems immoral to destroy a life for a childhood mistake:

* Nintendo goes after Tears of the Kingdom artbook leaker:

* Nintendo goes after someone reporting on a leak, which is NOT illegal, nor a breach of the DMCA. Nintendo abused it:

* Nintendo Ceases and desists Brother Ming Games for his Anna's Roundtable fan game:

* Nintendo engaging in arbitrary limited time releases even for digital versions of games to create perceived scarcity and cause impulse purchases:


Also, a good opinion piece on the subject by Arlo. The more we let them get away with poor practices, the more we will normalize them:

* Nintendo is seriously trying to pass off limited time releases as "Unique" and a "way to celebrate" those franchises. They also pretend to care about Joy-con drift and are doing nothing to fix it:

Abusing FOMO is predatory. 

* An account (which should admittedly be taken with a grain of salt) shows Nintendo apparently being open about trying to abuse FOMO

* Their Abuse of FOMO was also evident during the sale of the SNES classic, which was vastly under-produced despite obvious demand:

And the same happened witt he NES classic, to an even worse degree:

Oh, and amiibos:

* Nintendo has also apparently screwed over retailers who were more than willing to have enough stock if given the opportunity:

* Nintendo making the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 special edition limited to their store, yet being so unprepared, that they dropped the ball. They made people wait 10+ hours to try and get a copy before any sort of relevant updates. To add insult to injury, another 7 hours long attempt was done again. Many did not get the game despite a very painful process. There was no mention of making enough to meet demand, or of compensating wasted time:

And the end result is inevitably encouraging scalpers:

* Nintendo tried to remove the free game "Jump Rope Challenge" from the Eshop for no apparent reason, but went back on the decision after some backlash:

* Nintendo removed Super Mario 35 despite an active playerbase, and then used it as an example on how to remove games from your Switch:

* Forcing they online subcription platform leads to times when games are unavailable to play:

* Nintendo shuts down Dragalia Lost despite people spending money on it. It's unplayable, and wasn't made accessible in single player:

* Nintendo sneakily turns User Data Sharing on during update even if you asked for it to be turned off, going against your decision:

Nintendo charging Arlo's editor for repairs after THEY bricked his switch with an update:

* Nintendo limiting the ability to use Cloud Saves for various games despite charging a premium for them:

They also do not allow customers to back up their saves offline and physically, which was possible on previous systems.

Nintendo sneakily hands off free 7 days online subscriptions, but demands your credit information so they could automatically renew you and charge you. Cancelling this is not obvious:

* Nintendo trying to control its players through Nintendo Switch online, removing their ability to own games:

* Nintendo Switch Online is getting an "expansion", charging you more to play N64 and Genesis games, and still don't give you a way to own the games:

* The expansion (including base online) is 50$ USD / 64$ CAD a year. This is highway robbery:

* You lose access to your included Animal Crossing DLC if you stop paying. You can't even own it without buying it on top of it:

Videos on the two previous topics:

* For those who though NSO was an apt Replacement for ownership, a game has already been delisted (Super Formation Soccer):,from%20the%20NSO%20Japanese%20library.&text=When%20the%20title%20does%20leave,its%20initial%20inception%20in%202018.

* The Emulation is somehow even worse than its Wii and Wii U counterparts, which were already not great:

* We are talking about 12 to 15 frames of lag, which is impossible to not notice. This is 200 to 250 miliseconds of lag.

* Nintendo purposely made the N64 controller for NSO not work well with emulators despite people buying it specifically for that.

* A history of increasingly poor emulation on Nintendo systems:

* Nintendo and Sony having a hand in taking down X-Box Series X emulators, which are completely legal.

* They also DMCA'd the Dolphin Emulator from the Steam platform despite it being legal:

* Then they tried to justify their actions by calling Emulation illegal, which is a lie:

*Nintendo shuts down ability to upload levels in Super Mario Maker for Wii U, but does not give any alternative to share levels offline, shutting down years of hard work:

* Nintendo spitting on the hard work of fans by deleting levels in Mario Maker, forcing people to beg to play them so they remain online, not providing clarity in the metrics they use and not instead giving proper tags and filters:

Your level sucks, Jimmy!

- Nintendo.

(Also, it caused problems where hard levels would get delisted, and it would be skewed towards popular youtubers and streamers)

* Nintendo locks entire on the cart game mode behind exceedingly rare amiibo:

* Nintendo locking quality of life warping feature from Skyward Sword HD to an amiibo:

And it backfired as shipping delays means that people would get that feature weeks later, perhaps even after they already beat the game anyways:

* Nintendo has a history of reverse-engineering games (see Ikegami Tsushinki). Showing their hypocrisy on matters of modding and intellectual property:

* Nintendo officially selling classic games at above MSRP on Amazon, abusing collectors and fans:

Now in 2024:

* Nintendo allegedly using illegally obtained roms and reselling them to consumers:

* Nintendo trying to stop Game Genie from selling legal hardware. Nintendo lost this case:

* Nintendo shuts down multiple Spanish site holding tons of historical, innaccessible Nintendo content:

* Nintendo of America alledgedly using unfair contract deals, threats, retaliation, surveillance, refusal to hire, and union-busting:

And over 10 other Nintendo of America employees have corroborated this story, despite Nintendo claiming this story to be untrue.

And several employees speak about their awful treatment:

And further updates:

* The Nintendo labour dispute ended in settlement.

- Agency has to pay $29,910 in backpay, danages, interest.

- Nintendo must post notice for 60 days via email / on-site informing employees of their right to unionize.

- Fun tidbit of irony, Mackenzie Clifton was a Project M and Melee player.

* More on their aledged mistreatment of employees and how this isn't just an NoA issue:

* This interview shows additional major disparity between how full-time and contract employees are treated:

* An update of sexual harassement at NoA and an apparently fairly non-commital way to advance at the company. Also, poor salary and treatment:

* HAL laboratories has apparebnly failed to pay overtime to remote work:

* And while many try and justify Nintendo's behaviour by stating they don't do layoffs, there is evidence that they do:

* Rumours of layoff at Mario Club:

To be fair, Nintendo has denied this.

* Nintendo now working with intrusive DRM malware services. They can only be removed through piracy. This can only hurt paying customers as it can affect performance, andcan also serve to remove access to what you buy:

UPDATE: Denuvo denies claims of working with Nintendo. However, some do bring up the point that Nintendo has to authorize apps to exist on the switch. There may be more tot he story.

UPDATE: Nintendo has authorized it. As such, not only have they made the  worst decision possible, Denuvo has also alledgedly most-likely lied.

* Nintendo lost a case against a small Costa Rican Store over the name "Super Mario". A feel-good story. 

* Their overprotective corporate philosophy goes so far that it serves to choke out the creativity out of their own developers:

* An alledged insider has corroborated the statement while talking about why Waluigi seemed to never be used outside of spinoffs. It "appears" to be correct based on later Kensuke Tanabe interviews.

* And their obsession with innovation leads them to prioritizing gimmicks over polished experiences as seen with their treatment of F-Zero:

And so, for making the greatest game in the F-Zero franchise, Sega was thrown under the bus, as did Namco for Star Fox Assault:

* Nintendo treated the Project H.A.M.M.E.R Team so poorly and forced motion gimmicks so vehemently, not letting the North American have a say in the matter than the team just disbanded:

And Nintendo accused of alledged racism:

Also tried to force NST to make it into a casual game against their will:

* Nintendo being petty about Rare outdoing them technologically with Donkey Kong Country:

* It is also heavily rumoured that Shigeru Miyamoto pressured Rare into turning Dinosaur Planet into a Star Fox game, meaning Rare lost the the game's ownership:

* Nintendo forcing its design philosophies on Q-Games for Star Fox Command:

* Nintendo blocking a potential Golden Eye remaster despite Rare and Microsoft trying to cooperate with them:

* Nintendo fires Chris Pranger for appearing on a small podcast. From this, we can see Nintendo's obsession with information control and Masahiro Sakurai's deep intolerance towards people playing smash differently.

* Nintendo (alongside Microsoft and Sony) alledgedly benefits from inhumane Chinese re-education camps:

* They also used Chinese company Foxconn to manufacture the Wii U, which used abusive child labour, leading to suicides.

But to stay fair, I must at least say that they did make a statement, but took no actions as far as I am aware:

* Nintendo also uses prison labour as part of their business for game boxes:

* How Nintendo stalks and harasses hackers, while hacking one's property is legal to do in North America. Furthermore, Nintendo apparently commits the crime of wiretapping:

Go down the thread for the original files:

Etika also appears to have had similar accounts a year prior:

Another account:

And whoever brought this story to light got their accounts suspended:

Some slides from those stalking attempts:

And actual stolen chat logs from when they tried to incriminate him:

* Definitive evidence of stalking and intimidation tactics:

* Man in Japan gets arrested for modding game systems and selling them:

* Nintendo gives itself the right to collect information against your will and to brick your systems if you legally modify them:

* Nintendo refuses to allow you to exercize your right to repair by making it difficult to change your battery and charging you a premium to do so:

* Nintendo repair costs are absolutely unreasonable, at often more than half the original price of the system:

* Nintendo refuses to unban a console that was bought for a child bought second-hand:

* Pokémon Company partners with Tencent, an arm of the Chinese government to create Pokémom Unite, pushing exploitative, anti-consummer, psychological manipulation in a game that also targets children:

* Pokémon Unite sells skins at prices as high as 40$ while limiting how much in-game currency you can have (so you are forced to buy it) abusing children, people with gambling addictions, and neuro-divergent individuals

* Fire Emblem Heroes introduces many pay to win features in Fire Emblem heroes at drastically inflated orices, no less. They locked quality of life features behind a paywall:

A case for Pokémon Home being ransomware:

* Nintendo shuts down iOS emulator despite emulation, again, being legal in North America.

* Emulation so proven to not hinder sales in research study despite corporate attempts to silence it:

* Nintendo historically tried to prevent Blockbuster from renting their games. And they lost the case:

* Gamefreak, which is somewhat related to Nintendo, lied about the reason that many corners were cut during the development of Pokémon Sword and Shield. The cut corners were an issue yes, but it was the subterfuge that was the biggest issue.

* The Pokémon company, partially owned by Nintendo alledgedly views Nuzlockes on the same level as rom hacks. Aside from the fact that rom hacks are perfectly fair and legal, they even disaprove of people playing the game the way they want to, even without a single mod:

In the interest of fairness this update did occur:

A PR team can lie, so it is difficult to ascertain the validity of either side.

* After social media backlash for #FreeMelee, Nintendo sends hiring notice for new Social Media Manager intern. Did someone get thrown under the bus for Nintendo's action?

* Nintendo apparently stole code and ideas from Argonauts Software to make Super Mario 64 and Star Fox 64:

* Nintendo hired Factor 5 despite them reverse-engineering their consoles, yet they publicly and hypocritically condemn that practice:

* Nintendo deliberately kneecaps its own consoles, consumers and partners just to avoid minimal amounts of piracy:

* Nintendo has been selling us online using a two decade old server for Windows 98. For actual money:

* Gunpei Yokoi, responsible for establishing Nintendo's portables legacy, now the most profitable part of Nintendo was unfairly treated:

* Nintendo historically tried to squash competition by punishing retailers who would host competing products in its early days. Sega broke that monopoly:

* Howard Lincoln also made a jab at Sega at congress on a hearing about violence in video games, and likened Night Trap to pornography:

* Nintendo historically sued anyone who dared make unauthorized cartidges for their classic platforms, and limited how many a company could make a year:

* Nintendo stabbed both Sony and Phillips in the backs during the development of the now unreleased CD-based SNES by breaking their agreements, leading to Sony creating the Sony Playstation brand:

* Nintendo is all about controls. They have the ability to make games readily available, but instead choose to re-release them endlessly at full price, slowly, and now, using Nintendo Switch Online, they have complete control, as you simply cannot just download games to your console and play them without logging in to the Internet once a week and paying a subscription fee. As such, you do not own a copy of any game, nor can you modify them or back them up. Once the service ends, they may be removed as there is no guarantee of cross-gen, or being able to keep them once the service inevitably shutters.

* Nintendo arbitrarily removes DSi games from the 3DS eshop, not making them available anywhere else.

* Nintendo completely shuts down Wii U and 3DS eshop, forcing their customers into a Netflix-style account system, fully removing our ability to own games and carry them over:

And the terrible explanation they erased:

And they plan to shut down Internet access entirely in 2023:

Which screwed over game developers still developing for it:

And they keep going despite backlash:

* Nintendo even asks people not to use online functionality on Wii U that was added by fans despite the console's servie being dead:

* An example of the negative impact of lost media caused by Nintendo killing off features:

* Nintendo erased Fire Emblem Fates: Revelations and important story DLC for Awakening, Fates, and Echoes, Shadows of Valentia. This content will be impossible to experience that part of the story without piracy:

* Nintendo actively funds lobbies that prevent even archivists and libraries from preserving video games:

* Nintendo shuts down all ability to download games and updates your rightfully own and bought from the Wii Eshop channel. There was also no warning:

* Nintendo did not credit the original staff of Metroid Prime HD remaster:

* Nintendo hasn't been crediting external localizers according to multiple sources:

* Nintendo makes false claims regarding the Nintendo 64's capabilities, including online play and visual fidelity:

* Nintendo copyright-striking Kotaku for the mere mention that Metroid Dread can run on emulators (despite them not even encouraging it):

* Nintendo shutting down potential Netflix Zelda series and Star Fox claymation project because of an information leak because they are too overprotective of their IP:

Nintendo alledgedly poorly-treated an actor who worse a Donkey Kong Mascot costume, causing injury:

* This is hard to tell if Nintendo is behind this, but several Twitter users focused on Nintendo art have received DMCA claims:

* Nintendo potentially replacing a voice actor for being very vocally pro-union:

* Nintendo refused to let a Samus aran skin appear in Fortnite because they overprotectively didn't want the mere skin to appear on other systems:

* Nintendo showing interest towards NFTs to investors:


* Nintendo cease an desists Pokemon fan / Tiktok user for having "Poké" in her username. This one can be more debatable because she was selling Pokémon-branded merchandise.  Still, what's next, cease and desisting Poké bowls?

* Another set of videos listing some of Nintendo's recent problematic behaviour:

* Open letter to Nintendo by turndownforwalt, and what the game they are trying to shut down means to people:

* Project M fans bravely carry on despite Nintendo tearing their community appart over and over again:

* How Nintendo makes its fans feel:

---Additional miscelaneous things----

* Masahiro Sakurai's unhealthy view of competition. Instead of understanding the healthy benefits of resilience and self-improvement, he sees competition as a toxic affair:

* And Melee's advanced tech is intentional, to those who state it isn't:

* Also, Melee was 100% meant to be a competitive game:

* Less about just Nintendo specifically, and more of a shoutout to an important movement for the Right to repair and modify our property:

And more info:

* How backwater some of of Japanese corporations can act when it comes to IP:

And before people try to justify it by stating that Japanese law works differently, corporations must abide by the las of the country that the so-called infringement operates in.

* I am putting this one last as it is somewhat debatable, but Nintendo has failed to be "inclusive" when it comes to various sexual orientations in Tomodachi Life, and the reasoning were fairly tone-deaf. The company did not see fit to patch the game for that purpose:

* Nintendo definitely changed their stance on this regard, sullying Iwata-san's name: 

"It would not be appropriate if we treated people who did something based on affection for Nintendo as criminals."

-Satoru Iwata

* Oh, and they made Star Fox Zero. Only a psychopath would think to design a game that way:

Hey, sometimes you got to joke around a bit in those dark times.


4 commentaires:

  1. Nintendo has also benefitted off of United States Prison Labor for making Gameboy boxes.

    Not to mention Nintendo had a monopoly on the gaming industry in the 1980's

    And how they continue to have one on the handheld industry, with the only thing coming close is smartphone gaming. (The Switch is the only handheld console right now)

    As well as how they refused to adopt CDs to "avoid piracy" thus driving out third party developers, as well as other times they have used proprietary hardware design.

    They still do this by the way.

  2. Thanks! Would it be okay for me to add this?

  3. I'm thinking of an alternate universe where Nintendo went out of business after the failure of the Virtual Boy, and as a result, Sega now owns Nintendo's IPs. How would this alternate universe version of Sega react to all these situations?

  4. I do wonder. I feel like large corporate entities tend to play nicer when they are doing poorly.

    I have seen it happen to Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft at various times when they were losing the console race.
